cover image What If I’m an Atheist? A Teen’s Guide to Exploring a Life Without Religion

What If I’m an Atheist? A Teen’s Guide to Exploring a Life Without Religion

David Seidman. Simon Pulse/Beyond Words, $19.99 (256p) ISBN 978-1-58270-407-4

Teenagers have enough trouble navigating questions about their identity. So where should they turn when they stop believing in religion? Journalist Seidman offers a guide for teens struggling with unbelief, particularly those who are likely to experience hostility or ambivalence about their change in convictions. He begins by painting a multifaceted portrait of what unbelief looks like, going beyond the currently popular, and vocal, New Atheism. He discusses life as an unbeliever in a possibly negative environment, giving point-by-point analyses of common debates between theists and atheists, and projects possible arguments. Covering a large amount of ground, Seidman synthesizes thoughts, questions, and data from an impressive number of sources to help teens forge a new path with confidence and knowledge. Unfortunately, this comes at the expense of a deeper analysis of religions and their practices. Overall, however, Seidman is respectful, and he urges his audience toward considerate open-mindedness, making this an excellent primer for teens needing guidance in navigating the culturally contentious and personally troublesome waters of religion. Ages 12–up. (Mar.)