cover image The Nutcracker’s Night Before Christmas

The Nutcracker’s Night Before Christmas

Keith Brockett, illus. by Joseph Cowman. Sleeping Bear, $15.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-58536-889-1

Brockett, a former professional ballet dancer, and Cowman mix holiday metaphors with aplomb, blending Clement C. Moore–style verse with the story of an ill-fated production of The Nutcracker. As a cast of children prepares for opening night, plenty is stirring on the set—none of it good: “The spotlights had fallen—the stage was left dim/ and Clara spilled grape juice all over the scrim.” After the set’s Christmas tree comes crashing down, the cast is ready to call the show off, but Santa—who whooshes down the set’s chimney in a shower of sparks and stars—saves the day with the help of his energetic elves. Brockett does a fine job of putting a theatrical spin on Moore’s original verse, and Cowman has clearly had fun capturing the travails of this star-crossed production. Ages 6–8. Author’s agent: Kelly Sonnack, Andrea Brown Literary Agency. (Sept.)