cover image Witches Be Crazy

Witches Be Crazy

Logan J. Hunder. Skyhorse/Night Shade, $15.99 trade paper (352p) ISBN 978-1-59780-820-0

Hunder's debut, an excursion into comic epic fantasy parody, tilts at many of the favorite windmills of the genre, but it's loaded with historical and genre allusions that may leave readers puzzled. In the mythical kingdom of Jenair, King Ik is sick unto death, with only a newfound daughter to succeed him. Assorted high- and low-born hopefuls launch into a perilous quest for her hand and a lifetime meal ticket. Enter bumptious blacksmith Dungar Loloth, whose tavern sideline has picked up since the great search began. Drawn into the quest himself, Dungar is joined by a series of familiar fantasy types: Jiminy, his relentlessly devoted best pal; Sir Pent, a muddled knight in dinged-up armor; Rainchild, a malevolent wizard; pirate Captain Nobeard; dangerous nymphs; and a flock of gruesomely portrayed feminists. This adventure parallels the Odyssey and all its imitators, couched in language that sometimes warrants a chuckle. It goes on several adventures too long for its slim framework to bear, reprising characters to pad out Hunder's clever but essentially one-shot shtick. One of its own characters may too optimistically suggest "a sequel, I think." (July)