cover image Cloak of the Light

Cloak of the Light

Chuck Black. Multnomah, $11.99 trade paper (320p) ISBN 978-1-60142-502-7

Black (the Knights of Arrethtrae series) gets his Wars of the Realm trilogy off to a strong start. His hero is Drew Carter, a high school football player whose father has died in military service. Drew and his mother move from Chicago to Kansas, where Drew befriends Ben, a misfit genius, putting him at odds with some of the popular players on the team. Then things get weird: Ben shows Drew a mysterious photo and suggests it is evidence of alien life. Meanwhile, Sydney, Drew’s love interest, says she can’t date him because he’s not a Christian. Drew doesn’t believe in aliens or Jesus Christ, but when he and Ben try to use a laser machine that Ben has been working on, there’s an accident, and Drew glimpses terrifying creatures from another dimension. Then his life changes forever. Strong writing, a complex main character, and a well-developed plot pull readers along. Drew’s a good guy, and he’s drawn to Sydney’s inner strength, but he’s not going to be an easy sell on Christianity. A reader’s guide discusses the theological framework for the series. Ages 12–up. Agent: Steve Laube, Steve Laube Agency. (Mar.)