cover image The Comic Book Story of Beer

The Comic Book Story of Beer

Jonathan Hennessey, Mike Smith, and Aaron McConnell. Ten Speed, $18.99 trade paper (180p) ISBN 978-1-60774-635-5

Graphic histories can be hit or miss, but it’s hard to go wrong with a comic book history of the world’s favorite beverage. Taking us from ancient fermentation processes to today’s craft breweries, authors Hennessey (The U.S. Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation) and Smith present us with an engaging look at the importance of beer in our cultural history. With meticulous research, the authors open the readers’ minds to the possibility that beer helped shape the course of civilization, not only by sharing the provocative “beer theory of agriculture” but showing how, in each age, beer played a significant role in helping shape human affairs. McConnell’s illustrations are a perfect accompaniment; his sometimes amusing, sometimes intriguing, and sometimes provocative visuals have all the qualities of this favorite beverage. The abundance of interesting little details in these illustrations pair well with the wealth of information that the authors provide. (Sept.)