cover image Body Shots

Body Shots

Anne Rainey. Kensington, $15 trade paper (225p) ISBN 978-1-61773-351-2

Rainey (No Letting Go) wastes no time getting right to the erotic heart of this hot ménage romance. Crystal escapes an abusive marriage, but she’s still trapped by her own inhibitions. Those self-imposed restrictions begin to lift after she visits a nightclub called Kinks with her supportive friend Mollie. The club’s virile co-owners, Trent and Mac, take an interest in Crystal, and instead of a love triangle, the three become a happy triad. A second nightclub subplot and some family issues for Trent disappear nearly as soon as they arrive; the focus is on the plentiful and sizzling sex scenes, including double penetration and light bondage. Some mentions of Crystal’s ex-husband’s violence are handled respectfully and without belaboring painful details. Despite some clichés and the unabashed wish-fulfillment of the three lovers’ nearly painless venture into polyamory, this is a perfect selection for erotic romance readers looking for something new. (Oct.)