cover image Food Triggers: End Your Cravings, Eat Well and Live Better.

Food Triggers: End Your Cravings, Eat Well and Live Better.

Rhona Epstein. Worthy, $14.99 trade paper (224p) ISBN 978-1-61795-158-9

"Any given month%E2%80%A6between six and fifteen million [Americans] binge [eat] out of control%E2%80%A6yet nowhere near this many people ever [seek] treatment," writes addictions counselor and licensed psychologist Epstein in her first book, a supportive, often spiritual, guide designed to encourage overeaters to begin treatment. Upbeat and clear, Epstein provides a scientific overview of what happens in the overeater's body and mind, as well as a series of exercises towards achieving better mental health and a plan for recovery. However, her repeated assertion that overeaters are powerless against their urges may give readers unwarranted license to cast themselves as complete victims. Epstein often directs readers to passages cited from the Christian Bible for strength and support; those uninterested in this aspect of her practice will likely find these passages heavy-handed, but those with a religious bent will be gratified. (Dec.)