cover image What Goes Up

What Goes Up

Katie Kennedy. Bloomsbury, $17.99 (336p) ISBN 978-1-61963-912-6

In Kennedy’s big-hearted second novel (after Learning to Swear in America), scientists have proven that the universe is infinite, NASA created the Interworlds Agency to explore the implications, and it’s looking to add a young new team to its roster. After a grueling two-day tryout, two standouts are chosen: Rosa Hayashi, privileged and brilliant, and Eddie Toivonen, who hitched his way to the trials and is running from an abusive father. When a strange spacecraft arrives, it quickly becomes evident that its occupants aren’t of this Earth nor are they here to make friends. Eddie, Rosa, and two other new recruits intervene, desperate to stop what could be the end of this world. Kennedy again shows a knack for portraying real teens dealing with extraordinary circumstances. While her heroes are as smart and talented as it gets, they’re still just kids looking for a bright future, a sense of belonging, and friends who have their back. Smart science, plenty of action, and no small amount of snarky banter round out an exciting and poignant read. Ages 13–up. Agent: Kate McKean, Howard Morhaim Literary. (July)