cover image Down. Set. Fight.

Down. Set. Fight.

Chris Sims, Chad Bowers, and Scott Kowalchuk. Oni, $19.99 trade paper (144p) ISBN 978-1-62010-116-2

After football star “Fearless” Chuck Fairlane attacks the mascot of his team—his rage is ignited by a painful injury and the humiliating knowledge that he’s being manipulated by his father, who is a professional gambler—he is banned from the sport. Years later, Fearless is working as a high school when thugs dressed like sports mascots begin challenging him to combat. Even though he realizes that his father is setting him up once again, he decides to go on the road in “The Brawl Across America.” Fearless eventually finds himself in a stadium full of people who have come to watch no-holds-barred mayhem. Kowalchuk’s rock ’em, sock ’em art fits the action, and Sims and Bowers’s slam-bang, slapdash script manages to be both cynical and fuzzily warmhearted. The result is lightweight but likeable. (Mar.)