cover image Youthjuice


E.K. Sathue. Hell’s Hundred, $25.95 (288p) ISBN 978-1-64129-592-5

If The Picture of Dorian Gray were set at a contemporary Goop-esque “wellness and lifestyle” brand, it might read something like Sathue’s satirical, gory, and delectable debut. Sophia Bannion, 29, is the newest creative hire at Manhattan’s Hebe, a beauty and wellness company run by the freakishly beautiful Tree Whitestone and named for the Greek goddess of youth. From the jump, Sathue makes readers aware that something sinister is behind the façade of perfection at Hebe, and as Sophia becomes more enmeshed in Tree’s inner circle, that something slowly comes into focus. In this horror story examining the social pressures on girls and women, the only fault is how on-the-nose some of the symbolism is (“We bathed in their blood to stay young” goes the opening line). Nonetheless, as Sophia’s past comes to light and Hebe’s dark side is revealed, readers will be on the edges of their seats waiting to find out the truth. It’s a certifiable page-turner. (June)