cover image Damned If You Do

Damned If You Do

Alex Brown. Page Street Kids, $18.99 (346p) ISBN 978-1-64567-999-8

A high school senior who accidentally sold her soul to a demon must contend with the delayed consequences in Brown’s Filipino folklore–inspired tragicomedy debut. Filipino American student stage manager Cordelia Scott is immersed in tech week for her school’s play about Deal Day, an annual Ruin’s End tradition in which one person purportedly makes a deal with the devil. Though she’s invested in the tale, she doesn’t believe it’s real until Fred Williams, her new school guidance counselor, reveals that he’s a demon—and that he dragged her physically abusive father to hell in exchange for a piece of her soul as her Deal Day wish when she was 10. Now he’s come to make a new deal: Fred will return the fragment of Cordelia’s soul if she helps him capture a rival demon who has been preying on Ruin’s End’s townspeople. Filipino cultural and mythological elements add refreshing notes to rapid-fire Buffy the Vampire Slayer–style action, while heartening found family dynamics counterbalance dark depictions of abuse in this intense adventure. The cast features strong queer representation and racially diverse supporting characters. Ages 14–up. Agent: Renee Nyen, KT Literary. (Aug.)