cover image We’re Going to School

We’re Going to School

Tammi Salzano, illus. by Morena Forza. Tiger Tales, $18.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-66430-021-7

“There is excitement in the air!” on the first day of the new school year in this buoyant step-by-step chronicle. Early morning preparations (“Backpacks are stuffed... and zippers are closed”) and schoolyard goodbyes (“Last-minute hugs and kisses are shared”) launch the day before segueing into boisterous classroom scenes. Salzano breezes through social dynamics (“The children find their seats and make new friends”) to focus on schedule highlights such as time with the class pet, a cafeteria lunch, playground recess, and reading. Jolly classroom views by Forza present round-headed students of varying abilities and skin tones with happy smiles, though close readers may spot figures occasionally experiencing sensory overload, a minor injury, and occasional mishaps. The school day winds down in as orderly a fashion as it started, supplying a solid picture of what students might expect come fall. Ages 3–7. (Apr.)