cover image The Quacken

The Quacken

Justin Colón, illus. by Pablo Pino. Simon & Schuster, $18.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-6659-2248-7

When young Hector arrives with his family at seemly Cucumonga Campground, where legend has it that a creature lurks in the lake’s depths, the other kids quickly give him an earful: “Don’t go near the ducks! Don’t look at the ducks! Don’t even think about the ducks. And whatever you do, DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS!” But the birds in question look so cute and so hungry that “Hector broke the most important rule of all.” As soon as he runs out of bread, a cataclysm envelops the campground, and out of the lake emerges a massive duck, “THE QUACKEN,” which blocks out the sun, flattens latrines, and swallows canoes. Debut author Colón and Pino (Pumpkin Day at the Zoo) mix broad spoofs of horror tropes (a scene in a seemingly empty house with a mysteriously ringing phone is particularly evocative) with the silly extravagance and tight pacing of an 11-minute cartoon. And when a gag both comical and literal finally saves Hector, the story proves itself to be all in good fun, resulting in a lighthearted vibe that’s nothing to quack at. Human characters are portrayed with various skin tones. Ages 4–8. Author’s agent: Jennifer March Soloway, Andrea Brown Literary. Illustrator’s agent: Atlanta Japp, Advocate Art. (July)