cover image Under This Forgetful Sky

Under This Forgetful Sky

Lauren Yero. Atheneum, $19.99 (416p) ISBN 978-1-66591-379-9

In a dystopian world plagued by environmental devastation and economic disparity, two teens embark on a dangerous adventure for a cure to a mysterious illness in Yero’s intense sci-fi debut. Sixteen-year-old Rumi Sabzwari—who has never left St. Iago’s fortified walls, which protect its citizens from the environmental wasteland beyond it—feels unfulfilled by the luxurious lifestyle of the Upper City. When a group of rebels infect his father with a fatal virus, Rumi spontaneously leaves, seeking a cure beyond St. Iago’s walls. Now in the destitute land of Paraíso, Rumi meets 15-year-old Paz, who offers to help Rumi find the curandera who could heal his father. Unbeknownst to Rumi, however, Paz is secretly a spy for the revolutionaries who poisoned his father, intending to use Rumi to help the rebels take down the Upper City. But as the pair develop romantic feelings, they both struggle to reconcile their pasts. The fully fleshed-out characters and their distinctly human connections juxtapose the delicately crafted sci-fi world. Through nuanced depictions of Rumi and Paz’s differing upbringings, Yero molds a convincing dystopian society that explores how technological advancements and political corruption can affect future generations. Characters read as Latinx. Ages 14–up. Agent: Andrea Somberg, Harvey Klinger Literary. (July)