cover image Ultimate Gardening: A Complete Guide to Cultivating Your Perfect Garden, from Flowers, Vegetables, and Herbs to Succulents, Shrubs, and More

Ultimate Gardening: A Complete Guide to Cultivating Your Perfect Garden, from Flowers, Vegetables, and Herbs to Succulents, Shrubs, and More

Gardening Know How, edited by Nancy J. Hajeski et al. Thunder Bay, $27.99 trade paper (400p) ISBN 978-1-66720-323-2

This encyclopedic manual brings together insights from contributors to the Gardening Know How blog on how to grow indoor and outdoor gardens. Covering the basics, the authors describe how to recognize different types of soil (clay “feels lumpy and sticky,” while chalky soil is “large grained and often stony”), choose the “right tool for the job” (fishtail weeders are ideal for clearing up sidewalk crevices), and pick fertilizers (those high in nitrogen “encourage vigorous leafy growth,” while those rich in phosphorus are best suited for “flowering plants and vegetables”). Much of the volume is dedicated to substantial profiles of ferns, flowers, shrubs, succulents, and other flora, which provide background on the plant and detail how to care for it. For instance, the authors note that drought-resistant bachelor’s button flowers originated in Europe and thrive in well-drained soil, while elephant ears “prefer partial shade” and are most commonly used as a “focal point in grouped plantings.” Elsewhere, contributors touch on tips for growing container plants, discouraging pests, and preventing common diseases, among other topics. The guidance is comprehensive, covering a wide range of subjects without sacrificing depth. Gardeners of all experience levels will appreciate this. (Feb.)