cover image Girls with Bad Reputations

Girls with Bad Reputations

Xio Axelrod. Sourcebooks Casablanca, $16.99 trade paper (448p) ISBN 978-1-72826-199-7

Axelrod’s spirited second the Lillys rock and roll romance (after The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes) turns the spotlight onto the eponymous indie band’s drummer, Kayla Whitman. Raised by a controlling mother who made her feel like a constant disappointment for being too loud and boisterous, Kayla’s lifeline growing up was her older brother, Zach, who gave Kayla her first pair of drumsticks. After Zach died, Kayla clung to his love of music to cope with her grief, joining a local indie girl band. Now the Lillys have blown up and embark on their first national tour. It’s a different beast than the local gigs Kayla’s used to, and with her mother still calling to berate her about how she needs to “get her life together,” she worries she’ll crack under the pressure. Comfort comes from tour bus driver Ty Baldwin, a strong and silent type with whom Kayla discovers an unexpected spark. This sweet couple find a rhythm as the tour goes on, but Kayla’s still torn between pursuing music and packing it up for a safer life. Bolstering both the slow-burning love story and Kayla’s personal growth is the charming chosen family she finds with her bandmates. Readers are sure to be entertained. Agent: Nalini Akolekar, Spencerhill Assoc. (Feb.)