cover image 45 Ways to Live Like an Italian: Italian-Inspired Self-Care Traditions for Everyday Happiness

45 Ways to Live Like an Italian: Italian-Inspired Self-Care Traditions for Everyday Happiness

Raeleen D’Agostino Mautner. Sourcebooks, $19.99 (240p) ISBN 978-1-72827-433-1

Mautner follows up Living La Dolce Vita with a charming and brightly illustrated guide to “savor[ing] simple pleasures through the course of an ordinary day.” In six sections devoted to food, time, self, relationships, beliefs, and lifestyle, Mautner encourages readers to pay attention to the details (the hues of a sunset, the aroma of a “long-simmering tomato sauce that welcomes you into the kitchen like a warm hug”) that turn “ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences.” She extols the virtues of the Mediterranean diet; encourages readers to “act as if you are already joyful (even if you are not feeling joy at the moment),” because “we can... impact our mood by first directing our external actions”; and highlights the value of family dinners, chitchatting with strangers, and other social interactions. Bulleted lists cheerfully distill Italian-themed insights, though sometimes the advice is less than novel (race car driver Mario Andretti’s success tips include “work hard and be motivated to win”). Still, Mautner’s upbeat tone and wise message to pause and “enjoy the happy moments wherever you find them” resonates. It’s a treat for Italophiles who want to slow down and smell the cappuccino. Illus. (Dec.)