cover image The Mystery of the Radcliffe Riddle

The Mystery of the Radcliffe Riddle

Taryn Souders. Sourcebooks, $15.99 (288p) ISBN 978-1-72827-546-8 ; $7.99 paper ISBN 978-1-7282-7141-5

Elderly Eudora Klinch is known as “Kooky Klinch” by everyone in Gifton, Ga., for the way she “dug more holes around town than a gopher on caffeine.” But when she dies after decades of fruitlessly seeking her family’s long-lost treasure, 13-year-old Grady Judd is inexplicably bequeathed her antique embroidered sampler, which contains clues to the fabled fortune. Ever since Mama’s death, Grady and his dad haven’t gotten along, and the local bank has been threatening foreclosure on their home; Grady hopes finding the treasure will help mend his relationship with his father and smooth things over financially. With the help of the town’s librarian and his two best friends—whip-smart Clemmie Powell and kindhearted Thad Carlton, who uses renowned architects’ names as exclamations (“Frank Lloyd Wright! Why are you scaring me like that?”)—Grady endeavors to puzzle out the clues before he and his father are forced to leave town. But his desperate search turns out to be more dangerous than he bargained for. Throughout their adventure, the tweens learn fascinating factoids about U.S. history, but the effect is dampened by the fictional, standard-feeling setting. Still, Souders (Coop Knows the Scoop) appealingly intertwines a compassionate community and a grieving boy’s struggle to connect with his father to deliver a rewarding mystery. Grady and Thad are white; Clemmie is Black. Ages 8–12. Agent: Sally Apokedak, Apokedak Literary. (July)