cover image Secrets from a Herbalist’s Garden: A Magical Year of Plant Remedies

Secrets from a Herbalist’s Garden: A Magical Year of Plant Remedies

Jo Dunbar. Watkins, $19.95 trade paper (224p) ISBN 978-1-78678-662-3

Dunbar (The Spirit of the Hedgerow), founder of Botanica Medica herbal apothecary, gives readers a glimpse into her herb cabinet in this uplifting guide. “There is no greater alchemy,” she writes, “than collecting healing plants from your garden or the wild [and] transforming them into medicine.” The recipes that follow are organized by season: Elderberries and turmeric help immunity and are a good fit for winter; spring equinox is a time for “detoxifying” with nettle and ground elder; cornsilk and elderflowers are good for “hot and itchy conditions” in summer; and autumn is a good time to use dandelion and lawn daisy for “joints, which stiffen and ache.” As well, Dunbar shares tips for gathering and foraging: California poppies are “very well suited to pot growing,” while linden trees are easily found in most parks. Charming black-and-white line drawings punctuate the pages, and Dunbar’s compassionate approach will appeal to readers looking to get in touch with nature: “When you pick some leaves, do give it a stroke of appreciation, for it is a generous and powerful ally.” Readers with an affinity for natural remedies will find this a resource worth returning to. (May)