cover image Heal Your Living: The Joy of Mindfulness, Sustainability, Minimalism, and Wellness

Heal Your Living: The Joy of Mindfulness, Sustainability, Minimalism, and Wellness

Youheum Son. Parallax, $19.95 trade paper (160p) ISBN 978-1-952692-15-4

Son, founder of the YouTube channel Heal Your Living, recounts her transformation from frazzled Manhattanite with an unwieldy wardrobe to peaceful minimalist in this wise look at living with less. Son dedicates a chapter to each of the four parts of her “simple lifestyle” plan: first is minimalism, which comes with tips for setting intentions before tossing one’s belongings and embarking on a “thirty-day emotional decluttering challenge.” Sustainability walks readers through making their routines planet-friendly with a list of low-waste swaps and tricks for avoiding food waste. A section on wellness, meanwhile, encourages imagining “what emotions your wellness routine and self-care practice will evoke” and recommends self-care activities such as gentle stretching or drinking tea. And suggestions for mindfulness include meditating to deal with “life challenges and unpleasant feelings.” With a gentle approach—“We can be at ease in knowing that all will unfold in the way that is most suitable”—Son offers her practical guidance in the form of journal prompts, FAQs, and exercises (such as making a self-love jar full of kind notes to oneself). Readers feeling burned-out will want to take a look. (May)