cover image Why Make Eagles Swim? Embracing Natural Strengths in Leadership and Life

Why Make Eagles Swim? Embracing Natural Strengths in Leadership and Life

Bill Munn, with Libby Cortez. Greenleaf Book Group, $22.95 (216p) ISBN 978-1-62634-8

In this friendly, upbeat call to focus on one’s existing strengths rather than struggling to salvage one’s weaknesses, 45-year management coach Munn exhorts readers to stop wasting time, both in the corporate world and in their personal lives. Munn helps businesspeople find their own “attribute profile[s],” those “natural, inborn strengths” that are second nature; he also speaks to coaching teams and helps coworkers find their own strengths. As presented in this book, attributes aren’t skills or knowledge; they’re natural gifts and inherent traits. These attributes fall into a number of categories, including conceptual, decisive, orderly, persuasive, and responsible. Munn’s at his strongest when arguing against the “myth of well-roundedness.” According to him, it’s just as important to understand others’ gifts as one’s own, and the book delves deeply into working with others. Although the tone can be self-congratulatory, this is a well-thought-out and helpful call for readers to focus their attention on what they’ve already got going for them. [em](Oct.) [/em]