cover image Remaining You While Raising Them: The Secret Art of Confident Motherhood

Remaining You While Raising Them: The Secret Art of Confident Motherhood

Alli Worthington. Zondervan, $18.99 trade paper (272p) ISBN 978-0-310-35879-4

Business coach Worthington (Standing Strong) addresses Christian readers struggling through motherhood in this down-to-earth guide. Studies reveal 56% of moms experience “mom guilt” more than once a week, she writes, but the solution isn’t better managing one’s children—it’s better caring for one’s own emotional health. Worthington dispels parenting myths, including that “good moms’ kids are obedient” and that good moms can “do it all,” and lays out “non-negotiables” that readers should prioritize, including sleep and prayer or breathwork. As well, she urges forging friendships with other moms, though it’s crucial to maintain boundaries, especially when it comes to others’ judgments: “If someone is trying to get you to stop being yourself... that person is toxic for you” and should be avoided. While the messaging can get repetitive, readers will be heartened by the counsel not to “sacrifice yourself at the altar of motherhood” and charmed by the author’s accounts of her own parenting disasters, whether nearly “pesto-poisoning” her son or the time her toddlers killed a neighbor’s koi fish. This is ideal for Christian moms seeking encouragement, understanding, and a laugh or two. (Aug.)