cover image With My Back to the World

With My Back to the World

Victoria Chang. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $26 (112p) ISBN 978-0-374-61113-2

The painterly, meditative latest from Chang (after Circle) enters in a dialogue with the visual artists Agnes Martin and On Kawara. Martin’s grids and proclivity for numbers, divisions, and order encourage Chang toward quiet reflection, providing a container for sorrow: “all my/ thinking fits into/ boxes that can’t/ be opened”; “I stood behind the rope and felt the/ melancholy of the room come out to greet my melancholy.” Chang faces down solitude and the desire to be loved by complicating, and at times defying, those feelings: “we grow up thinking the future/ is possible, but soon realize we are estranged from it.” Discussions of art invite questions about being observed: “Is it possible/ to be seen, but not looked/ at?” Chang asks, intriguingly admitting, “I’ve wanted to be the painting, not the painter.” This collection is full of memorable insights as Chang experiments with erased and occluded work, all the while operating in the realm of feeling, where “desire is the only thing/ with nerve endings.” These elegiac poems thoughtfully balance the head and the heart. (Apr.)