cover image Stealing Rose

Stealing Rose

Monica Murphy. Bantam, $15 trade paper (336p) ISBN 978-0-553-39328-6

Entertaining characters ignite the pages of the predictable second Fowler Sisters romantic thriller (after Owning Violet). Cosmetics heiress Rose Fowler is at the Cannes Film Festival for the opening of a documentary film about the family business. She’s wearing an indescribably sexy white dress and a priceless diamond necklace. Caden Kingsley is there to steal said necklace. An easy job—if it weren’t for the potent electricity between him and Rose. So he swipes a few other bobbles and hightails it to London to regroup, only to encounter Rose an improbable second time. And a third, and a fourth, and so on, in every position, in every location around town, for several days and nights. The sex is good, and these two might have a future together, but the plot goes exactly where the reader expects, and the thesaurus-reliant prose is recrementitious. [em](Mar.) [/em]