cover image The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready

The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready

David Jeremiah. Thomas Nelson, $29.99 (280p) ISBN 978-0-785-25224-5

“Jesus is coming... and I believe the wait is nearly over,” declares Jeremiah (Where Do We Go From Here?), founder of broadcast ministry Turning Point for God, at the outset of this zealous exploration of God’s “overall program... for the Last Days.” Mining passages from Corinthians, Thessalonians, John, and more, Jeremiah breaks down the nitty-gritty of the “central event in biblical prophecy,” including its timing (prior to the “tribulation,” though the Bible cautions against calendar-date predictions), who will be raptured (only “believers in Jesus”), and how it differs from the second coming (the rapture marks the start of the “tribulation,” while the second coming is “the moment Christ returns... to end the rebellion of the Antichrist”). Despite the somewhat misleading subtitle, there’s not much here in the way of concrete advice—the author seems mainly to suggest learning what the rapture will entail and accepting Jesus beforehand. Still, the devout will appreciate Jeremiah’s meticulous, text-based efforts to catalog the event’s minutiae, if they can get past melodramatic prose that occasionally eludes clear comprehension (“When Jesus leads his heavenly offensive against Satan... He will follow a similar strategy as the U.S. forces in Iraq—although He will have no part with conventional ammunition. His weapon will be glory”). This is best suited to Christians seeking unapologetically enthusiastic guidance to the end times. (Oct.)