cover image Rip to the Rescue

Rip to the Rescue

Miriam Halahmy. Holiday House, $16.99 (208p) ISBN 978-0-8234-4441-0

In WWII London, 13-year-old Jack serves as a bike messenger; when he finds a dog who can sniff out survivors under the rubble, the two become an unlikely rescue team. Tall Jack lies about his age (messengers must be 17) in order to transport urgent messages during the nightly bombings, hiding this duty from his authoritarian father, who is dealing with PTSD from WWI, by pretending to check on his grandfather every evening. Halahmy (The Emergency Zoo) effectively creates a high-stakes wartime atmosphere, tackling complicated historical issues when Jack befriends a Jewish girl, Paula, who furtively hides supplies to save her family in case the Germans invade. Jack’s transformation—from a boy who was bullied in school for his one deaf ear to a brave one with a ragtag and loyal group of friends—stands out, as does his relationship with the dog, who also hears in only one ear. Based on the adventures of an actual canine, this British import is a taut and affecting historical novel of friendship and courage. Ages 8–12. [em]Agent: Anne Clark, Anne Clark Literary. (Aug.) [/em]