cover image Nap-a-Roo


Kristy Kurjan, illus. by Tyler Parker. KPO Creative LLC (, $7.95 (16p) ISBN 978-0-9860750-0-1

“It’s time for a nap-a-roo,/ just like the kangaroo,” begins this nap-encouraging board book from first-time author Kurjan, which is built around rhymes with a long “oo” sound. Readers learn that the kangaroo in question—who wears a striped neckerchief and carries a purple stuffed animal in its pouch—“lives in the zoo.../ In Timbuktu.../ With a dog named Lou” and other animals. While the rhymes aren’t especially imaginative, Parker’s cheery and polished digital cartoons show real talent, and the book maintains a sense of fun (including a “Coo Coo Ka Choo” dance break) from start to finish. Up to age 3. (BookLife)