cover image Bound by Blood and Sand

Bound by Blood and Sand

Becky Allen. Delacorte, $17.99 (304p) ISBN 978-1-101-93214-8

Who owns water, and what if irrigation were controlled with magic? Allen’s lush debut mixes current, pressing questions with fantasy while exploring systematic injustice and historical oppression. In this alternate world, Jae is one of the Closest, a race bound by a curse to serve the Highest, the current ruling race, as slaves. The Highest placed the curse on the Closest after a war over the world’s water supply, but with a drought worsening every year, there are questions about the Highest’s efficacy. When Jae discovers a secret hidden in a defunct fountain built before the war, she gains the power to save—or destroy—the world. Allen unflinchingly portrays the abuse Jae has suffered, as well as her struggle to navigate her newfound power. Characters and stakes are clearly drawn, and fascinating touches in the worldbuilding deepen the story and show the thought the author has put into the setting. The balance between the harsh reality of Jae’s world and the beauty that could be is sharply defined, and readers will clamor for the sequel. Ages 14–up. Agent: Hannah Bowman, Liza Dawson Associates. (Oct.)