cover image We Are Robin, Vol. 1: The Vigilante Business

We Are Robin, Vol. 1: The Vigilante Business

Lee Bermejo et al. DC, $14.99 trade paper (160p) ISBN 978-1-4012-5982-2

In the aftermath of the Batman: Endgame story arc, a vacuum exists in the Gotham City superhero community, and who better to fill it than a diverse team of teenagers with axes to grind? Bermejo (Batman: Noel) is joined by artists Jorge Corona (Teen Titans Go!) and Rob Haynes (Batman: Black and White) to begin the sagas of six heroes collected by an unknown benefactor called the Nest to bring justice to the broken streets of Gotham. Corona’s wild, kinetic style lends intensity to even the quietest scenes, allowing Bermejo room to explore teen melodrama in his own brooding style. The new Robins bring gender, racial, and class diversity to the Bat-books in an authentic way that reflects the social circles modern young adults experience. A story drawn by James Harvey (Masterplasty) shifts suddenly to pop art–inspired designs and sly Easter eggs, providing an intermission of sorts before Corona and Haynes return to push this volume to its action-packed finale. (Apr.)