cover image In Her Sights

In Her Sights

Katie Ruggle. Sourcebooks Casablanca, $7.99 mass market (384p) ISBN 978-1-4926-6249-5

Ruggle (Rocky Mountain Cowboy Christmas) opens the Rocky Mountain Bounty Hunters romantic suspense series with endearing characters and intriguing mystery. Molly Pax is the oldest of five adult sisters and is the de facto head of the bail recovery business they share in Langston, Colo. When their mother is accused of theft, none of the sisters is surprised; she’s a longtime con artist. What does shock them is the item stolen—a valuable necklace—and the fact that their mother used the family home as collateral for her bail just before skipping town. Needless to say, Molly and her sisters make finding her a priority. In addition, an unscrupulous rival is trying to coerce Molly into hunting down a dangerous criminal. John Carmondy is a fellow bounty hunter who sparks a rivalry with Molly; they compete to bring in bounties and enjoy needling each other at every turn. But when Molly’s family is in trouble, John never leaves her side. The slow-burning romance has a sweetness that contrasts beautifully with the light suspense, and the ending both satisfies and leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next installment. Agent: Jessica Watterson, Sandra Dijkstra Literary. (Mar.)