cover image The Bunny Burrow Buyer’s Book: A Tale of Rabbit Real Estate

The Bunny Burrow Buyer’s Book: A Tale of Rabbit Real Estate

Steve Light. Powerhouse/Pow!, $19.95 (16p) ISBN 978-1-57687-752-4

With babies on the way, Gregory and Petunia Bunny must find a new burrow. Readers can peek through circular die-cuts into each new potential home, with full-page flaps unfolding to show their interiors. The prospective neighbors—various fairy tale beasts that look a bit like medieval crests—make it quite clear why each abode isn’t ideal. “Look at all these rubies in the dragon’s hoard! This place is too expensive,” determine the bunnies after visiting a burrow beneath a spindly, multi-tier castle. In black and white images accented with deep crimson, Light mixes thick, scraggly ink strokes with fine detailing. The handsome art style, smart design, and subtle wit (the rabbit family grows tremendously with every page turn) make this a quirky house-hunting tale that’s as sophisticated as it is fun. Ages 4–8. (Mar.)