cover image Adventures with My Daddies

Adventures with My Daddies

Gareth Peter, illus. by Garry Parsons. Peachtree, $16.99 (32p) ISBN 978-1-68263-281-9

An adoptee with light brown skin and dark curls narrates this rhyming tale, which follows the child and their two fathers, one with dark skin and the other white, as they embark on reading adventures together—exploring high fantasy, dinosaurs, astronauts, and more. Peter presents sprightly rhymes in the narrator’s child-appropriate voice, relaying the family’s bookish escapades before reaching the heart of the volume: “Books take us on these journeys/ over forest, sand, and sea./ But my daddies’ favorite story is...// the one that brought them me!” Detailed acrylic and pencil illustrations by Parsons offer cheery, gently humorous accompaniments, notably a scrapbook spread of the child’s journey to adoption and photos with their fathers and the family dog. An endearing bedtime read that will resonate with any family. Ages 4–8. (Apr.)