cover image White Lake

White Lake

Susan Amond Todd. Warren, $14.99 e-book (306p) ISBN 978-1-943258-28-4

A woman reevaluates her life and dreams in this meandering novel that touches on themes of faith, family, and self-discovery. Cynthia Lewis, a devoted wife, mother, and nurse in her mid-50s, plans to spend her golden years with her husband, Philip, on Georgia’s coast. When Philip begins to do things that feel out of character, Cynthia’s confused, but she doesn’t have a chance to learn the truth until circumstances force a set of unexpected revelations. Cynthia’s full life is clearly conveyed in a narrative that interweaves past and present events. She has credible responses to her suspicions that Philip is having an affair, such as doubting herself and then being afraid to talk to anyone but her best friend. Todd is somewhat heavy-handed in her attempts to manipulate the reader, and much of the story relies on excessive explanations that distract from the story. The religious undertones add a dimension to Cynthia’s journey without being overpowering. Some characterization can be hackneyed and the dialogue is stilted—especially between Cynthia and Philip—but Cynthia’s determination to find happiness makes her life lessons, transformation, and new beginnings all the more heartfelt and touching. (Apr.)