cover image The Guardian

The Guardian

Jacquie Biggar. Jacquie Biggar, $0.99 e-book (226p) ISBN 978-1-988126-03-6

In the first Mended Souls paranormal, Biggar (Tidal Falls) pursues both romance and mystery, leaving readers wanting more of both. Lucas and Scott have the world at their feet. The two men, who grew up in difficult circumstances together with Scott’s sister, Natalya, are now bona fide movie stars. Their lights, however, are quickly snuffed out in a car crash in Chicago that only Scott survives. Tracy York is the medical examiner responsible for determining the cause of the crash. What begins as a very simple investigation takes a turn when unexplained incidents threaten her life. A not-so-chance encounter between Tracy and Scott gives them both a chance for justice and romance. A parallel story line, which gets equal time, features Lucas’s adventures in the afterlife: he is offered a chance to redeem himself by acting as Scott’s guardian angel. The ending of the novel leaves open more questions than it answers, paving the way for future installments that seem destined to explore Lucas’s postdeath experiences in greater detail. (BookLife)