cover image No Land’s Man: A Perilous Journey through Romance, Islam, and Brunch

No Land’s Man: A Perilous Journey through Romance, Islam, and Brunch

Aasif Mandvi, read by the author. Audible Studios, unabridged, downloadable, 4.5 hrs., $19.95 ASIN B00OZ3QUB6

Actor/comedian Mandvi shares his experiences as a British-born Indian transplanted in the United States during his teenage years, through a series of personal vignettes about his childhood and career. He explores trying to pay homage to his different identities while aspiring to succeed in an industry that has largely stereotyped his heritage. With decades of experience on stage and behind the camera, Mandvi can confidently narrate his memoir. His voice enlivens the tales and the emotion generated feels more authentic. His cadence keeps the stories going, even if they can sometimes feel a bit directionless. His voice’s emotional range spans ridiculous, to outrageous, to reflective, and though there are some laughs to be had, listeners won’t find many jokes—despite his work on Jon Stewart’s the Daily Show. Instead, Mandvi acts as the vocal guide through each chapter. A Chronicle hardcover. (Nov.)