cover image House of Bone and Rain

House of Bone and Rain

Gabino Iglesias. Mulholland, $29 (352p) ISBN 978-0-316-42701-2

Shirley Jackson and Bram Stoker Award winner Iglesias (The Devil Takes You Home) weaves a dark tale of grief and vengeance set in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the lead up to Hurricane Maria. “If someone fucks with one of us, they fuck with all of us,” is the motto Gabe and his friends—Bimbo, Paul, Tavo, and Xavier—live by. When Bimbo’s mother, Maria, is murdered, Bimbo and the others vow to track down her killers. In his quest for revenge, Bimbo leads his friends on a brutal spree of violence. Trouble arises when they discover that Maria’s murder is tied to a notorious drug lord, Papalote. Their plans are temporarily put on hold when Hurricane Maria hits, bringing destruction and a supernatural presence also seeking revenge. Meanwhile, an unexpected tragedy strikes, leaving Gabe and his friends shaken as they navigate San Juan’s criminal underground amid a string of strange occult occurrences. Iglesias blends the history and myths of Puerto Rico into a gritty coming-of-age story, whose violent excesses may be off-putting to some readers. Readers who like their horror bloody, however, will be pleased. Agent: Melissa Danaczko, Stuart Krichevsky Literary. (Aug.)