cover image The Building That Wasn’t

The Building That Wasn’t

Abigail Miles. CamCat, $28.99 (368p) ISBN 978-0-7443-0985-0

Miles’s tantalizing and surreal debut begins with Everly Tertium on a stroll around her neighborhood. Things take a turn for the strange when she meets Richard Dubose, who claims to be her grandfather. After revealing to Everly that she has a genetic anomaly, he leads her to a 100-story building called the Eschatorologic. Everly has a gut feeling the building is unnatural, but Richard evades all her questions about its history. Convinced she may find answers about her father’s recent death within the Eschatorologic’s walls, Everly begins poking around, encountering odd residents and piecing together the puzzle of the building’s history. But the more time she spends inside the building, the more likely it becomes she will never be able to leave. Miles takes her time teasing out the building’s bizarre powers, while the intrigue surrounding the origins of its otherworldly residents keeps the pages turning. This genre-bending mystery satisfies. (July)