cover image Understanding Cancer

Understanding Cancer

John Laszlo. HarperCollins Publishers, $17.95 (305pp) ISBN 978-0-06-015754-8

Vice-president for research for the American Cancer Society, Laslo has also served on other medical boards and written for health professionals. He is an oncologist whose first book for laypersons deserves to be a bestseller. In a natural, appealing style he presents clear information on virtually every aspect of the disease that claims approximately 460,000 American lives yearly. Describing the many types of cancer, he reports on treatments, progress against the disease and promising experimental drugs. There are strong warnings against quack remedies about and the high risks of tobacco. Poor diet and other contributing factors are also discussed. Patients and those who care for them can benefit from Laszlo's book, which includes material on the economics of cancer and advice on coping with death when it is inevitable. Charts illustrate the points made by this invaluable book. Author tour. (June 3)