cover image The Transparent Leader: How to Build a Great Company Through Straight Talk, Openness, and Accountability

The Transparent Leader: How to Build a Great Company Through Straight Talk, Openness, and Accountability

Tammy Kling, Herbert Baum, Herb Baum. HarperBusiness, $24.95 (256pp) ISBN 978-0-06-056547-3

To restore consumer trust in American companies and products, Baum, chairman, president and CEO of Dial Corporation, believes that all executives must adopt a ""transparent"" style of leadership: honest accountability upstairs, a value-based company culture throughout and employees who are service oriented. Writing with Kling (Exit Row), Baum talks about his role in firing a former Dial CEO and about others he has dismissed throughout his career for overstating profits and concealing problems from boards of directors. Baum argues that developing the right company culture starts with a written statement spelling out and encouraging an open line of communication to management, and he presents himself as practicing what he preaches, with employees at all levels regularly emailing or phoning him with comments. The philosophy and approach are sound, though not revolutionary; the broader commentary on corporate greed, scandals and failing companies will be familiar to anyone who regularly follows business news. The book is most compelling when Baum details specific practices at Dial, to the point of printing an appendix of his own memos, on communication and other topics.