cover image Hours of Power: My Daily Book of Motivation and Inspiration

Hours of Power: My Daily Book of Motivation and Inspiration

Robert H. Schuller. HarperOne, $19.95 (391pp) ISBN 978-0-06-072706-2

These 366 daily meditations come from some of Schuller's most famous books, including Be Happy Attitudes, Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do and Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking. The relentlessly cheerful founder of the Crystal Cathedral in (where else?) Southern California uses bite-size daily devotions to tackle a few traditional topics (forgiveness, prayer, resurrection) and many motivational ones (positive thinking, self-confidence, risk-taking, the gift of imagination). Most of the devotions are generically spiritual, with God as the""eternal creative force"" or wearing some other benign moniker, while others are more explicitly Christian. The writing style is sometimes too upbeat, with extensive use of exclamation points and rhetorical questions. Some tidbits that were fine in their original contexts seem glib when stripped down to their hour-of-power exuberance in this greatest-hits volume, where every tragedy is a possibility and every problem an opportunity. Some readers will no doubt gravitate toward Schuller's uncompromising optimism, while others will find it simplistic and thus unhelpful.