cover image Within the Flames

Within the Flames

Marjorie M. Liu. Avon, $7.99 mass market (384p) ISBN 978-0-06-202017-8

Flames of romance and passionate protection of loved ones join with lots of literal burning as pyrokinetic Eddie features in Liu’s 11th Dirk and Steele Detective Agency paranormal (after 2010’s In the Dark of Dreams). The agency sends Eddie to protect Lyssa, a young dragon shape-shifter being hunted by the powerful Cruor Venator witches. He finds her fearfully living in the sewers under Manhattan, and they quickly bond over the woes of fire-related powers and losing their families to evil forces still on the loose. Wary of their sudden connection, Lyssa and Eddie both must conquer their fears of mighty opponents, their own powers becoming corrupt, and opening up to one another. The psychology is delightfully complex, though the morality is a touch simplistic. Fans of Dirk and Steele will love this installment, which is also quite accessible to newcomers. (Dec.)