cover image Break the Good Girl Myth: How to Dismantle Outdated Rules, Unleash Your Power, and Design a More Purposeful Life

Break the Good Girl Myth: How to Dismantle Outdated Rules, Unleash Your Power, and Design a More Purposeful Life

Majo Molfino. HarperOne, $27.99 (288p) ISBN 978-0-06-289405-2

Molfino, host of the Heroine podcast, explores female empowerment in her zesty debut. According to Molfino, “good girl myths” are the “self-sabotaging beliefs that hold you back and suffocate your power as a strong, confident woman.” She singles out five key myths to look out for—those of rules, perfection, logic, harmony, and sacrifice; each, she writes, serves as a defense mechanism developed by women who have received powerful (and often subliminal) messages from patriarchal structures and authorities about acceptable and attractive female behavior. After walking readers through the “What Kind of Good Girl Are You?” quiz, Molfino provides exercises to break through each by journaling, meditating, and putting in mental and emotional work. For instance, she cites research showing that girls receive more praise for fixed traits (such as beauty or intelligence) where boys receive more “process praise” (focusing on effort and strategies) and suggests activities for cultivating a “growth, versus fixed, mindset” to overcome perfection expectations. Molfino’s program is slow but steady, and champions making small changes in order to create a large impact. Women searching for ways to increase their self-worth and confidence will find many gems here. (July)