cover image Isadora: Portrait of the Artist as a Woman

Isadora: Portrait of the Artist as a Woman

Fredrika Blair. McGraw-Hill Companies, $24.95 (470pp) ISBN 978-0-07-005598-8

Renewed interest in Isadora Duncan will perhaps be kindled with the publication of this comprehensive attempt to put her character and works in historical perspective. Blair's research and interpretations are sound and her writing style, though undistinguished, is serviceable. Her focus is on the woman rather than the artist, and one is presented with familiar stories of Isadora's relationships with Edward Gordon Craig, Paris Singer and Sergei Esenin, the tragic death of her two children in an accident, her unconventional behavior and defiance of taboos, and her pathetic last years in the south of France. Still, all this is presented more fully than before, and Duncan enthusiasts will turn to this book. Photos not seen by PW. Major ad/promo. December 9