cover image Alice in Tumblr-Land and Other Fairy Tales for a New Generation

Alice in Tumblr-Land and Other Fairy Tales for a New Generation

Tim Manley. Penguin, $18 (266p) ISBN 978-0-14-312479-5

Popular blogger Manley updates the adventures of revered fairy tale characters, turning them into self-involved, Internet-addicted, hipster Millenials in short story fragments and clever illustrations. Sleeping Beauty is re-imagined as a wine-soaked depressive and Cinderella explores her artistic side. Ever the freeloader, Goldilocks steals her friends' French fries before asking, "%E2%80%98Wait, does this have gluten in it?'" Little Red Riding Hood laments her bad luck with men including the wolves on OkCupid and a blind date with James Franco. An alienated Little Mermaid applies to grad school where she is depicted reading a book titled "Post-Colonialism and the Gendered Fin." She goes on to start a nonprofit "to fight for the rights of mercitizens." Pinnocchio's nose outs him in a series of lies to his professor, potential employer, and the police, before he finally funnels his deceit into a safer outlet%E2%80%94his own Wikipedia page. Chicken Little learns therapeutic "coping strategies" for her crippling chronic anxiety. These stories highlight Manley's satirical wit, but also his heart. Readers will cheer on these familiar protagonists through their crises and quandaries, and probably relate more than they might like to admit. (Nov.)