The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things: Fourteen Natural Steps to Health and Happiness
Larry Dossey, . . Harmony, $24.95 (305pp) ISBN 978-0-307-20989-4
Holistic physician Dossey examines the potential power of 14 readily accessible sources of well-being, providing a strong case for utilizing such remedies before more extreme measures. His expansive discourse on optimism, forgetting, music, miracles, plants, risk taking and other "simple" things makes clear that, while these are hardly "simple" when fully appreciated, often they are undervalued or completely ignored by the mainstream medical community, which turns to high-tech procedures and worst-case scenarios as a first resort. According to Dossey (
Reviewed on: 10/31/2005
Genre: Nonfiction
Paperback - 320 pages - 978-0-307-20990-0