Camp Camp: Where Fantasy Island Meets Lord of the Flies
Roger Bennett, Jules Shell. Crown Publishing Group (NY), $24.95 (301pp) ISBN 978-0-307-38262-7
In his foreword, filmmaker Ivan Reitman writes, ""Between the ages of seven and fifteen, going to summer camp was the most important influence in my life""; indeed, he launched his film career in 1979 with Meatballs, a movie inspired by his experiences at Camp White Pine in Haliburton, Ontario. In their latest, New York-based authors Bennett and Shell (co-creators of the similarly-themed Bar Mitzvah Disco) elicit more fond memories, photos, letters home and art projects from a long list of young writers, artists and entertainment industry pros, including Paul Feig, A.J. Jacobs, Rachel Sklar and David Wain. In a fitting scrap-book style, Bennett and Shell compile these communal camp memories, drawn from original interviews, and also include broader essays on chapter topics like ""Camp Gastronomy,"" ""Socials,"" ""Camp Love"" and ""Visiting Day."" Though most of the camps included here are in New York and Massachusetts, the subject matter of this colorful tribute-from Arrival Day to Last Night-will connect with anyone who looks back fondly on their camp experience (those who disliked camp, or never went, would probably do better renting Meatballs).
Reviewed on: 04/28/2008
Genre: Nonfiction