Rogers (coauthor of The Green Book
), an environmental consultant, shows how shifting to a more environmentally conscious lifestyle will not only help the planet but save money and time and improve quality of life. Her comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide is tailored to those on tight budgets with busy schedules who are justifiably wary of sacrificing their families' health and well-being. She shares the stories of helping families of varying income levels across the country to save money and reduce their carbon footprint; each case study reveals how simple (and economical) her lifestyle modifications can be: shutting off a computer at night saves $55 annually, installing low-flow showerheads saves $380. Rogers groups alternatives by category, from kids and pets to transportation and holiday celebrations, and presents cost savings for each action item to help readers determine the most appropriate steps to take given their particular lifestyles and priorities. This insightful and practical book arms readers with the information and motivation they need to make virtually effortless changes with significant results. (Mar.)