cover image Created to Dream: The Six Phases God Uses to Grow Your Faith

Created to Dream: The Six Phases God Uses to Grow Your Faith

Rick Warren. Zondervan, $17.99 trade paper (144p) ISBN 978-0-310-36784-0

“A great dream is a statement of faith,” writes pastor Warren (The Purpose Driven Life) in this heartening guide, “but dreaming is just the first phase” of achieving a goal. Warren outlines a six-part process that starts with ensuring one’s aspiration is God-inspired, in that it doesn’t contradict scripture and requires faith to enact (“It will be so big you can’t do it on your own”). Next, readers must take action, and just as “God gave Noah the dream of saving the world—but Noah had to make the decision to build the ark,” they’ll need to devote time and energy to the endeavor. As well, Christians should expect to encounter roadblocks and must “persist through delay” via prayer, “deal with difficulties” to enrich their faith, and “encounter dead ends” on the way. Warren illustrates his advice by citing biblical figures who overcame hurdles, such as how Moses initially shrank from God’s command to lead the Israelites out of Egypt because of a speech issue, and affirms that “God has always used imperfect people in imperfect situations to accomplish his perfect will.” Enriched by Warren’s bountiful charisma and backed with solid advice, this offers plenty of practical insight. Christians looking for faith-based motivation will find it here. (Apr.)