cover image Princess Dinosaur

Princess Dinosaur

Daniel Kibblesmith, illus. by Ashley Quach. Little, Brown, $17.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-316-45760-6

This rhyming picture book introduces readers to Princess Dinosaur, a lime-green reptilian gal who contains multitudes. Outlining her oft-changing interests and qualities, Kibblesmith aptly conveys children's complexity, mutability, and fickleness in playful prose ("She's ferocious as can be./ She also hosts a lovely tea"). A memorable spread shows Princess Dinosaur shifting in size and shape, unleashing "her inner beast" on the bright left page before the right page features her small and sequestered form in a white-walled room for a resulting time-out. Illustrations done in watercolors and ink pens are bold but flatly colored; Quach makes effective use of varying perspectives, however, evoking Frank Remciewicz's classic Froggy character designs, while hand-lettered typography adds a colorfully engaging emphasis. An inspiring story that gently bucks gendered expectations and celebrates how multifaceted dinosaurs%E2%80%94and children%E2%80%94can be. Ages 4%E2%80%938. (Jan.)