cover image I Am Friendly: Confessions of a Helpful Bear

I Am Friendly: Confessions of a Helpful Bear

Kristen Tracy, illus. by Erin Kraan. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $18.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-374-39118-8

Chaos ensues when an overzealous bear self-appoints as forest helper in Tracy and Kraan’s comic story. Clarifying that “I am friendly. I’ve been thoughtful my whole life,” the oblivious ursine protagonist works to help a fawn find its mother, to supply a yellow-bellied marmot some snacks, and to save what it perceives as a “stuck baby mountain goat,” among other gestures. Predictably, the figure’s self-judged friendliness proves terrifying to its recipients, resulting in varied degrees of helpfulness and humor. Spotting the marmot, Bear chases the frightened critter to a meadow with “much better grass,” and an attempt to assist a badger leaves the animal dripping in honey and swarmed by bees. When Bear beds down at day’s end, a final inviting act of kindness at last achieves only its sweet intentions. Fine lines provide a scratchy texture to the spreads and especially to Bear, whose cheerful disposition is echoed with sunny undertones. Ages 3–6. (May)